Foundational Habits
Strong foundations are critical for reliant structures. It is the base from which growth is set upon. The reach of our potential is dependent on the sturdiness of the framework. We can grow, evolve, and move upwards, but if this base is too fragile it will tumble over time. Scraping up pieces from the rubble to start anew rather than creating resilience prior.
Resilience comes about from reinforcing what we have, removing what is ineffective, and the ability to nearly break, but still press forward. Time has passed and the more recent seems to be the more relevant. Yet we may fail to search for the answers at the beginning. If a ladder were to miss the first couple steps, sure we can leap above to climb to the top, but how many missing steps before the leap is too high?
Individual habits are deeply seeded tendencies. We water the seed to spread branches for new endeavours, reaching new heights, and pushing the window of self-potential. Giving birth to new seeds, new levels, new habits, and still the foundation is that of one single seed. It is the base and the necessary step to continue the climb.
Old habits die hard they say, but small tweaks are a progressive stance. The feeling of accomplishment, attainability, mood, energy, sleep, and emotions that one can link with this newfound foundation generates curiosity. Curiosity to explore other associations also pleasing in nature. It builds upon itself and the greater the window of growth the more attractive the model becomes.
Say that the structure we choose to build upon is physical strength. We press, we push, we lift, we strain and tear muscles to create stronger ones. At the foundation of this strength is the joints itself. It must remain mobile and healthy to ensure that the movement is performed in the proper plane of motion. When overlooked or mistreated it pinches, squeezes, and compensation from nearby is made. We continue to tear and build on a muscular level, but the strength we are building is teetering on a shaky foundation. It will eventually reach the tipping point where no more compensation can be made.
A counter measurement would be making sure to put time into moving freely within the range of motion. Looking at the awareness of the body in space. Understanding the inner workings of the movement. Just like any other habit this means examining the current situation and why it is occurring regularly. Noticing what intervention can be made. Then evaluating how suitable it is to one’s own personality and lifestyle long-term.
Small habits lead to the biggest changes, because they can be tracked and measured, although most of the time perhaps they are unnoticed. Without a doubt they are a necessity to the development and the continuation of the cycle for new growth. It could be the fluctuation needed for change, not only in self, or the ones nearby, but for the world.