The Judged and Judger
Living in a world where it seems that every opinion matters in a society that is peaking with curiosity and judgment from every angle can be quite exhausting. Everyone has them and is entitled to their own, but we also hold the right to reject or accept. Also, we reserve the right to partake with either irrational thought based off of assumptions or to skim the layers first for conscious thought. Judgement thrown out will certainly boomerang back and yet very little judgement will not be equivalent to absolutely none in return. Once again everyone has these opinions and are entitled to them, but further absence washes away worry of current presence.
This judgement perhaps a void of realizing personal numbness, speaking out of a face value, social grouping, or maybe fear of the unknown outside of the comfort zone. Possibly a failure or inability to witness the process that lies beneath. We can not truly judge that for which we do not know, if we do not know completely that from which we are judging or the root of its arrival into thought.
Is it possible that it is being utilized as a distraction of one’s own insecurities? A lost art of critical thinking beyond the dimensions directly in front. One can not heal others without healing themselves first. Emotional or personal trauma waiting to attach itself onto the next fling into existence, whether it be verbal or action based.
Can it be categorizing situations using past thoughts without fulfilled knowledge or a bleak understanding? Using little context and making premature decisions. An inability to seek past barriers thrown up and see that for what it truly is. Is there worth beyond what is presented and perceived at face value?
Perhaps it is an involvement in a game of monkey see, monkey do? A quick perspective to tune into the world around rather than the world within. A yearning to fit in or belong in the social surroundings we subjective ourselves too. It needs an understatement that commonality is not equivalent to compliance. Seeing others perspectives yet holding onto our own beliefs as well, versus agreeing to an excessive degree.
Fear? One of the greatest demotivators of individual expression. Something strange to our own beliefs, absurd to what we think we know. A stance of truly unwilling resilience to outliers, based off of fear rather than given opportunity to inspect. There is comfort in fear and fear in comfort, but let it not expand the mindset of how things should be. To do so would numb pure ecstasy through joy and happiness.
We said it, we wrote it, and we thought it. Even when we had no conclusive evidence to back it up. It has happened, it will happen, and it is happening all around us. Judgement is a choice that has many variable factors associated with it. It’s not that we should not value constructive criticism, but we should identify and define real thought. Gathering incoming information, but siphoning to absorb well suited material.