My Niche

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Attitude from Gratitude

As one seeks to engage in the search for things/people/experiences to be grateful for they morph their reality. Reminiscing on the world through the lens of positivity. Regaining that original shimmer even in the most minuscule of things. Creating a gratitude journal is just as addictive when used regularly as it is attractive. 

It’s not the creation of happiness, rather uncovering what already exists. Bringing overlooked or unrecognized variables to the forefront. Gratitude is an emotional self-evaluation of how we interact with our environments. Shifting one’s mentality for once one starts they will begin to seek out positive interactions throughout the day to jot down later. Opening the perspective to what it truly means to be a simple breathing human being. Improving self-esteem by boosting self worth.  

Hindsight of all these can be hidden in the webbing of everyday life, with overwhelming amounts of opportunities for social comparison. Lives are strange, but very unique and reflecting on what someone else has over our own possessions or attitude would be absurd. Peering at a speck of how they arrived to that point is a vague conclusion. Trying to improve ourselves to be like someone else, an impossible feat for we will always be us.  

If it has yet to peak curiosity consider the scientific benefits: improved immune function, increased empathy, reduced aggression, better sleep, and increased positive emotions. All of which can be detrimental to health and wellness when not treated appropriately. Gratitude journaling is a smidge of time angled towards a positive outlook on life, with a splash of preventive care. 

(In an info-commercial voice) Here is how you can get started today! Choose three days out of your week whether it be morning or night to jot down three things to be grateful for. Below or some tips to get the most benefit from the practice. 

Great practices for better gratitude 

  • Approach your journaling with the intention of becoming happier and showing more gratitude. If you simply go through the emotions and think of it as a task you will be hindering your ability to truly become a happier human being. If you are too tired at night to write these things out. Do it first thing in the morning and vice versa.

  • Make sure to elaborate as much as possible. Going into finer details about things holds more weight and gains more benefit than those lists that are superficial. 

  • Try to make one of your three things about someone rather than something, this may have a higher impact.

  • Record those events that are surprises or unexpected.

  • Vary the content as much as possible.

  • Try not to burn out, my favorite amount is three per week, so I'm not just reaching or repeating.